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Pattern Stories Ava

With Pattern Stories, we embrace a specific wallpaper design and tell the story behind the pattern. We want to show the craftsmanship that leads to the finished wallpaper. We call this Swedish Wallpaper Art.

Ava's story

This time, we want to tell the story of Ava, one of our most beloved wallpapers, which has a special place in our hearts. Ava is a true Sandberg classic inspired by delicate French silk embroidery. The pattern gracefully tells the story of nature's ingeniously beautiful expression and bounty. Ava is available in many lovely color schemes, and there is definitely an Ava to dress every home and room.

"A wallpaper for all rooms, painted with passion and prettiness in mind, creating an atmosphere to fall in love with, over and over again."

After years of being loved by so many, Ava was made available on a larger, even grander scale, Ava Mural. The pattern is even more airy, luxuriant, and elegant, creating an atmosphere you can fall in love with over and over again.

On the wall: Ava Mural Pastel, Ava Mural Hazel, & Ava Mural Spring.

"Ava has become a true Sandberg classic, dressing the walls of lovely homes over many years."