În contact cu natura


Stilul botanic este un clasic iubit, prețuit de multe generații. La Sandberg Wallpaper, apelăm adesea la natură pentru inspirație. Frumusețea sa brută și persistentă este cu adevărat de neegalat. Designul interior botanic își găsește inspirația în natură, recreând minunile sale. O legătură puternică cu natura ne sporește bunăstarea și creează confort și o atmosferă liniștită.

This style is undoubtedly very much defined by the lovely color green and lush or airy greenery. Nature materials, light wood, and textiles such as linen go very well with this style. This style isn't restricted by architecture and fits just as well in a contemporary apartment as a turn-of-the-century residence.

"I love to combine the old with the new. It has to be cozy, harmonic, and easy to clean. I want sustainable wallpaper that I won't get tired of.”


Wallpaper inspiration

Green wallpapers are a loved classic. The most appreciated designs within this style are delicate flowing patterns picturing leaves or forests. The color range goes from all shades of green to earthy tones of beige or terracotta, complemented by muffled blues or browns. 

Style characteristics: Green and earthy colors, plants and flowers, natural materials.

Style ambassadors:

Wallpaper matches for your home

Some of our most cherished designs and pattern combinations within this style.